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To become a member, you need to create your member profile on this website and to pay the annual membership and periodic subscription of your choice. You can make a bank transfer to the following bank account :

Name: Krav Maga CE

Communication: your name + type of subscription

IBAN: BE20 3631 7083 8056


​Annual membership: 50 Euros (including Krav Maga Global federation’s license, insurance policy and a free t-shirt), valid 12 months


periodic subscription: â€‹

  • Option 1 subscription: access to 1 class/week 150 EUR for 6 months or 250 EUR for 12 months

  • Option 2 subscription: access to all classes/week 250 EUR for 6 months or 350 EUR for 12 months​

We recommend to do a trial before subscribing. If after the trial you decide to become a member of our club, please register yourself as member on our webpage, and pay  the licence (50EUR) and subscription of your choice. Don't forget to deduct the cost of the trial lesson if you paid for it.


Please be aware that you will also need to buy groin protection, shin guards (and depending on the day of the week you train also box gloves - please ask your instructo). You can buy them in the sport shop of your choice or also from our federation

Aucune formule disponibleUne fois qu'il y aura des formules disponibles à l'achat, vous les verrez ici.
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